

PlanTime is a program developed as a separate module that can be integrated to our products. It provides reporting of working time for staff. Access rights to different levels of the program and others.
One PC constantly manage the whole system by storing data about employees holding an identification password/card…It records all passes through the control points and load all the information in the programs for the preparation of schedules Geocon Software.

PlanTime offers several options:

1.Reporting of working time by several types of systems – by computer or fingerprint.

  • The system provides optimal control over working hours and access of employees in real time.


  • Modern and intuitive user interface.
  • Multiple network access of unlimited number of users.
  • By entering the password (for each individual employee) or by a fingerprint , the employee will be uniquely identified by the software. The module will record event – input or output. Respectively will register whether the event is the beginning or end of the workday.


  • All information from this module enters in our products for planning and processing of monthly work schedules.
  • Ability to produce statistics on attendance, delays, mission, and absences of each employee based on a predefined schedule from Plan Expert.

2.Employees can insert wishes (shifts, absences and leaves) and follow their schedules.

This module is implemented in two environments:

  • Graphics – can be used within the organization, as previously required to be installed.


  • WEB – can be used outside the organization (from home on the road if users have a device that is tied to the Internet and Internet access).
    Each employee has his own password, kept in an encrypted form.
    Staff is with limited rights, unlike users. Staff has no access to settings, prints and statistics.
    The administrator of the application allows staff to access this module and implements their rights to use it. A personal password is assigned by the user on initial entry into the module, but may be set in advance or changed by the administrator.
    By this module users/employees can see and modify information related to them:
    – Individually check their personal schedules
    – Insert whishes
    – Schedule holydays
    – Create their schedules
    Very practical way to edit your own working time.

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