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Geocon PlanProfessional offers plenty of settings with which users can build up virtual structure similar to the institution they work for and define all specific accounting elements they need.

  • Definition or elimination of holidays which differ regionally
  • Open definition of own holidays


Work Schedule

  • Definition of the work schedule according to contract: example: 38.5 or 40 hrs
  • Definition of the target time model: example: 5 day week or 6 day week
  • Definition of the additional work and overtime calculation
  • Definition of calculation basics for holiday compensation and pre-holiday arrangements

Levels/Periods of scheduling

  • Definition of the amount of schedule sections and their description: minimum two, target and actual
  • Choice between monthly and 4-week planning (28 day interval)

Rules for Planning – Legal requierments

  • Definition of the legal and internal schedule regulations, like minimum rest time, maximum amount of consecutive shifts

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